


意大利佛罗伦萨CEA CAPA指南




2008年加入CEA, Emily Schiavone is responsible for the management and development of the 弗洛伦斯 Study Center and all study abroad programs that it hosts. 自2014年以来, Emily has provided leadership and direct oversight to the Student Services team, and works closely with the 学术主任 on academic matters regarding the 弗洛伦斯 Center and partner institutions. 
艾米丽来自俄亥俄州东北部, and holds a BA in Art History from Carleton College and an MA in Italian Renaissance Art from Syracuse University. Two study abroad experiences in 弗洛伦斯 prompted Emily to remain after her third stint abroad, 从2004年起,她就把佛罗伦萨称为她永久的家. 加入CEA之前, 艾米丽在佛罗伦萨的一所美国大学工作, where she helped to create an archive and database of digital images for teaching purposes and travelled to towns in central 意大利 to teach students art and architectural history on-site.  

Emily’s life would not be the same had she not come to 弗洛伦斯 as a university student.  她希望学生们能以开放的心态踏上自己的旅程, 为不可预测的情况做好准备, and confidence; attributes that allow students to discover new things about the world and about themselves. 


学术主任 莫妮卡Francioso joined the CEA 弗洛伦斯 team in 2015, and is responsible for the oversight of all aspects of 弗洛伦斯 academics including academic integrity, 课程开发, 以及教师培训和评估. 她是学生和教师的领导者, and her work ensures compliance with the standards established by our School of Record agreement with the 纽黑文大学. Monica holds regular on-campus office hours and is always happy to talk to students and faculty on academic matters, 并对所有实质性的询问和关切作出回应. 

Monica obtained a BA in English and Russian from the Università degli Studi di Padova, 英语研究硕士学位, 和Ph值.D. 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院意大利研究硕士. 她的论文, 她现在正在编辑准备出版的书, 着眼于战后意大利的叙事理论. 她发表过文章和书籍, 意大利语和英语都有, 在Celati, 卡尔维诺, Palandri, 移民作家. 

莫妮卡在英国和爱尔兰生活了13年. 在加入CEA佛罗伦萨团队之前, 莫尼卡曾担任多个意大利语教学职位, 在不同的高等教育机构学习文学和文化, 包括伦敦皇家霍洛威大学, 杜伦大学, 巴斯大学和都柏林大学学院. She earned a CELTA certificate to teach English as a foreign and second language. She also taught English to students of all levels, preparing them for the Cambridge English exams. Monica also holds a DITALS II certificate to teach Italian as a foreign and second language, 她在同一个项目中担任教师培训师. 

Monica firmly believes in the importance of studying abroad as a means to broaden horizons and better oneself. Her experiences have shown her how enriching speaking/learning other languages and knowing other cultures can be. She believes she would be a different person today had she not experienced life abroad.




2009年加入CEA, 副主任 莱蒂齐亚Ialini oversees the Student Services team in 弗洛伦斯 and supports students with particular difficulties during their time abroad. 也, Letizia liaises with local housing providers to ensure quality accommodation and services to students and visiting professors. Lastly, she collaborates to design and implement Custom and 教师-Led programs. Her wide-ranging experience in administration makes Letizia a strong asset to the 弗洛伦斯 team.

莱蒂齐亚在佛罗伦萨大学学习经济学. 作为一名学生, 她搬到了伯恩茅斯, 英格兰 where she worked as a trainee in the financial department of an industrial company. This first experience abroad sparked her interest in traveling and learning, 激励她去墨尔本学习一年, 澳大利亚. There she perfected her English, travelled often and made friends from all around the world.  在加入CEA之前, 莱蒂齐亚管理普拉托贸易公司的技术办公室, 普拉托工业联合会的一个分支, where she organized expositions for national and international trade fairs. 她还在佛罗伦萨的一所烹饪学校工作.  

在业余时间,莱蒂齐亚喜欢烹饪、阅读和旅行. 她喜欢帮助学生了解意大利文化, and believes that overcoming the challenge of culture shock results in growth and flexibility that can help students in their professional and personal lives.

宝博体育 & 学生服务协调员

作为宝博体育 & 学生服务协调员, 丹尼尔·比尼人 helps CEA 弗洛伦斯 students acclimate to their new home abroad. 丹尼尔负责佛罗伦萨的宝博体育项目, finding local host institutions and interviewing incoming students—while working to find matches that will benefit both hosts and interns. 在一起, 与宝博体育研讨会讲师, 丹尼尔一直跟踪宝博体育生的经历,直到项目结束. He also organizes excursions that help introduce students to Italian locations beyond 弗洛伦斯.

Daniele拥有佛罗伦萨大学的语言学位, 他在那里学习英语, 日本, 和葡萄牙. To complete his studies, Daniele fulfilled a 150-hour internship with CEA. 但在2014年加入佛罗伦萨团队成为工作人员之前, Daniele worked at a hotel in Chianti and assisted CEA with student arrivals and language exchanges.

Daniele loves to travel but did not study abroad as a student, and travels often in his free time. 这些个人旅行经历使他成为一名专家 on 英国、西班牙和荷兰. 他的目标之一是在美国多待一段时间.S.有一天我住在旧金山



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